CBIP is the complete reference and buying guide to English-language Canadian books currently in print; consequently, the Author and Title Index, Subject Index and microfiche editions are indispensable to the book profession. With submissions from both small and large publishers, CBIP provides access to titles not listed anywhere else. Containing more than 48,000 titles, of which approximately 4,000 have a 2001 imprint, the Author and Title Index is extensively cross-referenced. The Subject Index lists the titles under 800 different subject categories. Both books offer the most complete directory of Canadian publishers available, listing the names and ISBN prefixes, as well as the street, e-mail and web addresses of more than 4,850 houses. The quarterly microfiche service provides updated information in April, July and October. CBIP is constantly referred to by order librarians, booksellers, researchers, and all those involved in book acquisition. In addition, CBIP is an invaluable record of the vast wealth of publishing and writing activity in the scientific, literary, academic and arts communities across Canada. A quarterly subscription service including the annual Author and Title Index (March 2001) plus quarterly microfiche updates (April, July, and October 2001) is also available. ISBN 0802049567 $220.00 NET.
Canadian Books in Print: Author and Title Index
7.95 paper ( 0-88908-281-2 ) ( Self - Counsel Business Series ) CIP Marsh , Nick ; All star company people , performance , profit . Fry , Dexter ( illus . ) ; Inclusion , 1994 $ 20.00 paper ( 1-895418-19-4 ] CIP Martin , Alain Paul ...
Canadian Books in Print: Subject index
Reference Sources for Canadian Literary Studies offers the first full-scale bibliography of writing on and in the field of Canadian literary studies.
... Publishing , 2002 . Sparks by Graham McNamee . Random House , 2002 . Stitches by Glen Huser . Groundwood Books , 2003 . A Taste of Perfection by Laura Langston . Stoddart Kids , 2002 . Tribes by Arthur Slade . HarperCollins , 2002 ...
... 136 Wiegand, Wayne A.: Women in Print, 21 Wilder, Thornton, 54 Wilfrid Laurier University, 67 Wilkinson, Shelagh, 6 William Lyon Mackenzie King (Dawson), 54,77 Williams, Rex, 202n66 Williams, Tennessee, 54 Wing, Willis Kingsley, 36, ...
Policy, Technology, and the Creative Economy of Book Publishing in Canada Rowland Lorimer. Research and Innovation ... 2002). 192 Canada, Standing Committee on Cultural Heritage, The Challenge of Change: A Consideration of the Canadian ...
The Material Unconscious: American Amusement, Stephen Crane, and the Economies of Play. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1996. Print. Brown, Bill, ed. Things. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2004. Print. Cazdyn, Eric M., and Imre Szeman.
With the assistance of bush pilot John Merriman , six caches of food were air - dropped ; three along the route of their approach march , and one at the base of each objective . They planned to attempt McArthur Peak , the east ridge of ...
... We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program ( BPIDP ) and the Association for the Export of Canadian Books . To Nancy , Robert and Laura Edward " Ned "