Design with Type takes the reader through a study of typography that starts with the individual letter and proceeds through the word, the line, and the mass of text. The contrasts possible with type are treated in detail, along with their applications to the typography ofbooks, advertising, magazines, and information data. The various contending schools oftypography are discussed, copiously illustrated with the author's selection of over 150 examples of imaginative typography from many parts ot the world. Design with Type differs from all other books on typography in that it discusses type as a design material as well as a means of communication: the premise is that if type is understood in terms of design, the user of type will be better able to work with it to achieve maximum legibility and effectiveness, as well as aesthetic pleasure. Everyone who uses type, everyone who enjoys the appearance of the printed word, will find Design with Type informative and fascinating. It provides, too, an outstanding example of the effectiveness of imaginative and tasteful typographic design.
Century, the first major American typeface, was designed in 1894 by one Linn Boyd Benton for Theodore Lowe DeVinne, the printer of The Century Magazine. After Bodoni, type designers began to search for new forms of typographic ...
Typography Essentials is a practical, hands-on resource to distill, organize, and compartmentalize--but not to oversimplify--the many complex issues surrounding the effective use of typography.
First published more than thirty-five years ago, Designing with Type has sold more than 250,000 copies—and this fully updated edition, with its new online resource, will educate and inspire a new generation of designers.
... presto prévoyant priorité proscrire legge rekord abonner unione revolte tritt raviver nagel puder quälen huldigen geduld agir aiglon allégir alliance punizione dunque quando uomin tactilité trotzkopf tyrann arrêt Whitman (Roman).
This book will provide insight and inspiration for everyone who is interested or involved in graphic communications.
Graphic designers will enrich their understanding of American type design and type designers with this unique and extensive reference.
Designer unknown . 9. PALM'S PATENT TRANSFER LETTERS , sign specimen , 1885. Designer unknown . 10. MRS . S. A. ALLEN'S , advertisement , C. 1880. Designer unknown . PRE- MODERN VICTORIAN UNITED STATES Architecture was an influence on.
This splendid book includes more than 200 illustrations and practical examples that illuminate the theoretical material. The terminology is succinctly explained in the volume's extensive glossary.
7 8 9 11 12 15 18 21 23 26 28 31 35 38 40 43 44 47 50 52 56 59 62 66 68 70 74 76 81 82 85 88 90 94 95 98 103 104 108 ... 44 Giant Cross-Stitch Type 45 Daily Reminders playing with type with friends 46 Fence Messaging 47 Love Letter 48 ...
This comprehensive guide to type design is hailed as a 'must-have' for typographers, graphic designers and students and has been fully refreshed and updated with the introduction of more contemporary typefaces, more explanatory diagrams and ...