The need for talented, vigorous leaders in the church cannot be overemphasized. Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ. With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership. J. Oswald Sanders, a Christian leader for nearly seventy years and author of more than forty books, presents the key principles of leadership in both the temporal and spiritual realms. He illustrates his points with examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men of God, such as Moses, Nehemiah, the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, Charles Spurgeon, and others. Sanders holds that even natural leadership qualities are God-given, and their true effectiveness can only be reached when they are used to the glory of God. Let this classic be your guide for leadership, and watch how God works through you to do great things for His glory. --
The revised edition of the Blackabys' "Experiencing God" encourages business and church leaders alike to follow God's biblical design for organizational success.
Designed for pastors, executives, administrators, managers, coordinators, and all who see themselves as leaders and who want to fulfill their God-given purpose, The Spirit-Led Leader addresses the critical fusion of spiritual life and ...
Miller highlights the qualities Spurgeon viewed as indispensable to servant-hearted leadership. Here is a comprehensive guide for the church, providing help in developing leaders for today and tomorrow.
J. Oswald Sanders probes Scripture to elicit principles and factors that inspired the dynamic spiritual leadership of Paul and the other apostles in the halcyon days of the church.
in Presence, Power and Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament, edited by David G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner, 122–34. Downers Grove, iL: iVP Academic, 2011. evans, Craig A. “How Are the Apostles Judged?
In Spiritual Discipleship, Sanders points out that true discipleship is more than intellectual assent to a belief in Christ; it involves the whole person and lifestyle. This book will help you embody that truth.
Joan Gray challenges elders and deacons to see themselves as spiritual leaders and equips them to lead alongside their pastors. Gray lays out a variety of leadership styles and helps leaders understand when each is appropriate.
Bandy shows how this is true for church leaders too and introduces ideas of different types of leaders attracting different groups of followers. Knowing your "type" will help you know who will be attracted to your leadership style.
Such times demand active service of men and women who are guided by and devoted to Jesus Christ. With more than 1 million copies sold, Spiritual Leadership stands as a proven classic for developing such leadership.
Cavanaugh, G., Hanson, B., Hanson K., & Hinojoso, J. (2001, March). Toward a spirituality for the contemporary ... Retrieved from Cooper, C., & Nelson, D. (Eds.). (2006). Positive organizational behavior.