The Giving Gift: The Holy Spirit in Person
The Spirit is sovereign, and he is sent to make Christ central in all our lives. In this companion volume, the famed expositor examines the related question of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their place in God's purposes.
It is also used by permission of the Society of Authors , London , England , as the literary representative of the Estate of John Masefield . MANUFACTURED BY THE PARTHENON PRESS AT NASHVILLE , TENNESSEE , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA YOU'VE ...
First , the Jewish believers who accompanied Peter to Cornelius ' home recognized that the Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit specifically because they heard them speaking in tongues . ( Acts 10 : 45-46 ) And Peter himself equated ...
In order to fulfill this mandate, I contacted a friend of mine who at that time was Chaplain of Oral Roberts University, Dr. Larry Hart. He told me I should invite John Wimber to come teach on healing. I had never heard of John Wimber ...
The Glory of Christ Revealed in Charismatic Ministry
Explores the supernatural works experienced in the Early Church and defends the premise that the Bible is inspired Word of God.
Spiritual Gifts: A Practical Guide to How God Works Through You is a Bible study that explores how your spiritual gifts can be matched to ministry.
Those Controversial Gifts: Prophecy, Dreams, Visions, Tongues, Interpretation, Healing