"Sheep swapping", "shuffling of the saints"- Whatever you call it, many churches are growing only because Christians transfer from one church to another. What's more, many churches aren't growing at all. The problem, according to authors, Dann Spader and Gary Mayes, is that too many church calendars are filled with outdated, mediocre programs that have become more of a burden than a blessing. That, coupled with the fact that these programs minister almost exclusively to Christians, leaves little for the non-Christian "seeker" to get excited about. Growing a Healthy Church is not a list of trendy new programs for your church agenda. It is a journey of rediscovery. Spader and Mayes look closely at the four stages of spiritual growth in relation to outreach. Using the innovative "M-level" system, these gifted men show how a church can minister to all individuals regardless of their levels of maturity in potential service. This helps eliminate the mistakes of forcing new Christians into service that may overwhelm them or may leave the mature Christian unchallenged. Proven successful through SonLife and churches who have used this system, this resource will help you focus on the simplicity of Christ's ministry, enabling you to build an effective discipling strategy for your church.
... where they are led to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and then into church membership. How About the Smaller Churches? I realize that it is not easy for everyone to identify with a superchurch like the Crystal Cathedral.
Insights from such pioneering leaders as Ken Fong, David Gibbons, Grace May, Wayne Ogimachi, Steve Wong, Nancy Sugikawa and Soong-Chan Rah make this an essential guide for Asian American church leaders wanting to help their congregations ...
It Can Be Done: Principles of Growing a Healthy Church
Philip Clark and Geoff Pearson, Kidz Klubs: The Alpha of Children's Evangelism? Grove Books*, 2001 (EV45). Margaret Withers, Fired up... not burnt out, BRF, 2001 (a training course for children's leaders). The Growing in Faith series ...
Growing by Grace: Essentials for Growing a Healthy Church
This series explores the biblical foundations of key aspects of the church, helping Christians to live out those realities as members of a local body.
C. Peter Wagner , The Healthy Church ( Ventura , Calif .: Regal , 1996 ) , 89-103 . 5. Neil T. Anderson and Charles Mylander , Setting Your Church Free ( Ventura , Calif .: Regal , 1994 ) , 196 . 6. See www.churchofmodesto.org . 7.
Bernard Foley is a former Liverpool University lecturer and writer on economics (Great Idea 35 Don't be Suspicious of Economics) Richard Fox is a coach, facilitator and mentor in church leadership. He is director of a management and ...
Growing Healthy Churches: New Directions for Church Growth in the 21st Century
Here are ten traits to help you diagnose the state of your church and start it down the path to improvement. In Becoming a Healthy Church, Stephen Macchia illustrates how to move beyond church growth to church health.