A renowned science writer examines the work being done by high-energy physicists in their quest to understand how the universe began, what it is made of, and where it is...
In the eighteenth century, a famous clock made by James Cox of London, was powered for some decades with no apparent power input, and it was not a ... Today, Cox's Perpetual Motion clock is in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
With this comprehensive guide to all things breakfast, plant lovers have a whole new reason to savor mornings. “Everyone wants to be healthier and have more energy, especially in the morning.
Also in this series, check out: Cool Creations, Build It, and Outdoor Fun. There’s no better boredom-buster than a science experiment. You will learn something and astound and amaze your friends and family. So, what are you waiting for?
A fascinating look at author J. W. Dunne’s controversial model of multidimensional time, based on precognitive dreams. The proposed concept accounted for insights into higher consciousness and many of life’s mysteries.
Joseph Black. As a medical student in Edinburgh, Black was fascinated by the chemistry of our bodies and the materials with which they interacted. For his final thesis, he studied kidney stones and chemicals that might be used to ...
Did God create someone like Jesus to save His experiment? And how can we resolve the problem of evil? This book combines some of the best writings of those who approach these questions from both a religious and a scientific perspective.
Anyone interested in the future of liberal democracy, in the US or anywhere else, should read this book.” —Anne Applebaum “A convincing, humane, and hopeful guide to the present and future by one of our foremost democratic thinkers ...
The new economy will begin in 2021 with that change you will see a new currency.
The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women tracks the well-intentioned discovery of synthetic estrogen through the unconscionable and misleading promotion of a dangerous drug.