Their voices are strong and wise; I commend their prophetic fragments to you. I thank those who offered comments on the manuscript: Karen Hernandez-Granzen, Lorna Goodison, Chris Hedges, Daniel Abramson, Miriam Shaw, Christopher Michael ...
This is a selection of writings on themes of trauma and transformation, hope and anguish, in a time of reckoning.
Reflections by Joan Chittister with icons by Robert Lentz present over two dozen saints and prophets--from Hildegard of Bingen to Martin Luther King, Jr.,--who speak to the urgent spiritual questions of our time.
To this period belong the collection of essays Prophetic Fragments , 9 Keeping the Faith : Philosophy and Race in America , 10 and the book he coauthored with bell hooks , Breaking Bread . 11 This last book is noteworthy because in it ...
In the first volume, Fragments, Tracy gathers his most important essays on broad theological questions, beginning with the problem of suffering across Greek tragedy, Christianity, and Buddhism.
In the churches the span includes what Charles Curran , citing Martin Marty , refers to as “ the public church ... in modernity's life in this society , fragments of redemption attached to the fragments of community and morality .
While African American political thought is inextricable from the historical movement of American political thought, this volume stresses the individuality of Black thinkers, the transnational and diasporic consciousness, and how individual ...
This comprehensive text offers a systematic and thematic approach to West's philosophical work.
Praise for Democracy Matters “In the vein of Socrates, West asks a question with great significance for the pending democratic future of America: 'Has not every major empire pursued quixotic dreams of global domination—of shaping the ...
"--New York Daily News "Henry Louis Gates., Jr., and Cornel West are among the most renowned American intellectuals of our time."--New York Times Book Review