In recent sociological approaches to the Old Testament, Christians have been finding unexpected resources for their ethical reflection and action relative to the modern world's pressing social and economic dilemmas. This unique survey by Christopher Wright examines life in Old Testament Israel from an ethical perspective by considering how the economic facts of Israel's social structure were related to the people's religious beliefs. Observing the centrality of the family in social, economic and religious spheres of Israelite life, Wright analyzes Israel's theology of land, the rights and responsibilities of property owners, and the socioeconomic and legal status of dependent persons in ancient Israel - wives, children, and slaves - showing the mutual interaction between such laws, institutions, and customs and the nation's covenant relationship with God. While primarily exegetical, God's People in God's Land contains many useful insights for Christian social ethics: Wright suggests how the ethical application of his findings might proceed as Christians with different theological perspectives and cultural contexts seek to work out the relevance of the Old Testament for today.
He addresses questions of both ecclesiology and missiology with topics like “called to care for creation,” “called to bless the nations,” “sending and being sent,” and “rejecting false gods.” As part of the Biblical Theology ...
Part journalism, part memoir, God Land is a journey into the heart of a deeply divided America.
The good land is the kingdom. Using biblical and prophetic teaching, this book will give you a revelation of the peace, joy, and righteousness you can dwell in when you understand that you dwell in the good land.
Akenson brings to light critical similarities among three politically troubled nations: South Africa, Israel, and Northern Ireland.
This book celebrates the contributions to Old Testament theology of Elmer A. Martens, President and Professor of Old Testament at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno, California (both positions now Emeritus).
This book is an ideal condensed handbook for university students and other Christian adults who seek to expand their knowledge of the background, content, and message of the Old Testament and its importance for Christian faith and life.
There is no book in the series with the title, I Believe in Satan, but rather and quite rightly, I Believe in Satan's Downfall. The Fall of Angels? So the Bible tells us that the devil and his hosts are rebel angels.
It has sometimes been said that the focus on humanity in the early chapters of Genesis had led to Christian misuse of the environment and, to a lesser extent, the oppression of others.But the careful and convincing reading offered here ...
b) Exodus 19:5 –6: Israel was to be a priesthood in the midst of the nations We come back again to this key text from Exodus 19. Remember that above we saw how God first of all points to his past grace— “You have seen what I have done” ...
So why is there such a history of turmoil over the Jewish homeland? In this book Boyd Luter offers a scholarly exploration of the following questions: What are the conditions of God's promise to His chosen people?