There is still much disagreement over the origins and development of Israelite religion. Mark Smith sets himself the task of reconstructing the cult of Yahweh, the most important deity in Israel's early religion, and tracing the transformation of that deity into the sole god - the development of monotheism.
The 4,000-year quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
"Jonathan has tremendous energy and drive. You can tap into that energy in this book.
II.43). Perhaps there was enough instability in the Levant regarding the permanence of the divine that it would have been ... III and 1 Kgs 18:27 [Parker 1989a]), then perhaps such uncertainty prompted the choice of the name Yahweh to ...
This insightful work examines the variety of ways that collective memory, oral tradition, history, and history writing intersect.
Individually and collectively, these books will expand our vision of the culture and society of ancient Israel, thereby generating new appreciation for its impact up to the present.Patrick Miller investigates the role religion played in an ...
Since this goddess of Tyre is presumably Asherah , the question of possible identification with Dido comes up , but need not ... 32 See H. Otten , MDOG 85 ( 1953 ) , 30 ff .; MIOF 1 ( 1953 ) , 125 ff .; E. von Schuler in WM 1 ( 1965 ) ...
1938 Contents: a Man among Men, a God among Gods, the Expiatory Sacrifice, the Crucifixion a Sacrificial Rite, the Sacred Drama of the Yeard A.D. 27, Christian Origins, the Ancient Religion of Jesus, the First Christian Gerneation Enters on ...
In this study, Michael Hundley explores the diverse deities of ancient Near Eastern and biblical literature, from deified doors and diseases to the masters of the universe.
A thorough yet readable examination of a much-debated subject -- of relevance also to the current Israeli-Palestinian situation -- this book is sure to reinvigorate discussion of the origins of ancient Israel.
the forgotten, the repressed, the marginal, the excluded, the silenced, the dispersed” (following Rosenau's Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences, 1992:8) then, although an old-fashioned modernist, I am in enthusiastic agreement.