A respected archaeologist's engaging, revealing take on ancient Israel. A thorough yet readable examination of a much-debated subject -- of relevance also to the current Israeli-Palestinian situation -- this book is sure to reinvigorate discussion of the origins of ancient Israel.
This book addresses one of the most timely and urgent topics in archaeology and biblical studies -- the origins of early Israel.
One of the most sensible and constructive observations on the issues raised here is found in the 1990 presidential address before the American Oriental Society by the distinguished Yale Assyriologist William W. Hallo, entitled “The ...
Experience a lifetime of adventure This autobiography of prominent American archaeologist William G. Dever is unabashedly his story, in which he offers candid, often brutally honest, reflections on his life and sixty-five-year career.
Cf. also emphatically , Gosta W. Ahlstrom , Aspects of Syncretism in Israelite Religion ( Lund : C.W.K. Gleerups ... was for many years professor in Leipzig and the teacher of Albrecht Alt and at the end of his career also Martin Noth .
In this groundbreaking work that sets apart fact and legend, authors Finkelstein and Silberman use significant archeological discoveries to provide historical information about biblical Israel and its neighbors.
the forgotten, the repressed, the marginal, the excluded, the silenced, the dispersed” (following Rosenau's Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences, 1992:8) then, although an old-fashioned modernist, I am in enthusiastic agreement.
See William W. Hallo , “ The Limits of Skepticism , ” JAOS 110 ( 1990 ) : 187-99 . This reference and the phrase " creeping skepticism ” I owe to Marc Brettler ; see Brettler , “ The Copenhagen School ” ( forthcoming ) . tors ...
In this fascinating book Nathan MacDonald carefully sifts through all the relevant evidence -- biblical, archaeological, anthropological, environmental -- to uncover what the people of biblical times really ate and how healthy (or ...
The origin of the Israelites is one of the most frequently discussed issues among archaeologists and biblical scholars. Only a few decades ago, biblical stories such as the Conquest were...
In addition to shedding light on historical memories embedded in the books of Judges and Samuel that do not conform to conventional wisdom regarding Israel’s early history, Benz demonstrates that a contingent of the early Israelites was ...