Martin Luther once listed seven "marks" of the church-those defining ecclesial features that show where the true church is to be found. This insightful volume brings together essays by ten leading Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and Orthodox theologians, each analyzing one of the seven traditional marks of the church and discussing how it is found, or not found, in today's churches. Writing about each "mark" of the church are these scholars: Gerhard O. Forde and Richard Lischer on proclamation; Susan K. Wood and John H. Erickson on baptism; K. Paul Wesche and Richard A. Norris Jr. on the eucharist; David S. Yeago on the office of the Keys; Carl E. Braaten on ordination; Robert W. Jenson on catechesis; and William J. Abraham on discipleship. The picture of contemporary church life that is developed by these authors is grim, but their analyses and practical suggestions are both constructive and necessary.
This work, in an effort to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in his church, demonstrates how Christians ought to have a sound theology surrounding biblical commitment to Christ's visible body.
The earliest of the four Gospels, the book portrays Jesus as an enigmatic figure, struggling with enemies, his inner and external demons, and with his devoted but disconcerted disciples.
In this timely book, William Madges and Michael Daley invite over forty authors and theologians to reflect on both the traditional and contemporary marks of the Church. (back cover).
... The Origin of the Bible: A Guide for the Perplexed (New York: T&T Clark, 2011); Michael J. Kruger, Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2013). 2.
Profound reflections on the cross that help you to meditate on and marvel at the sacrificial love of Jesus. This book can be used as a devotional, especially during Lent and Easter.
Also putting individuality over government. Most of the Body of Christ are not aware that this is considered to be rebellion against God’s authority to change and deal with sin and iniquity.
This volume written by a theologian and a biblical scholar offers a fresh model for understanding Scripture as God's Word.
The realignmentor focus of the Christian in this way centers on the propagation of the Gospel. How important is the ministry ... 3 Mead, Matthew, The Christian's Duty to Walk Wisely, (Coconut Creek, FL: Puritan Publications, 2015) 64.
Charles Swindoll, Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life (Portland, Ore.: Multnomah Press, 1983), 216. 2. Ibid., 276. CHAPTER FIVE S CHAPTER EVEN 1. Juan Carlos Ortiz, Disciple (Wheaton, Ill.: 1. Michael Smith, “Nails,” Discipleship ...
Signs of Belonging: Luther's Marks of the Church and the Christian Life explores Luther's teaching on the seven marks of the church: possession of the Word, Baptism, Sacrament of the Altar, Office of the Keys, Office of Ministry, ...