Foreword by Willard Swartley
-We considered him stricken by God, but . . .-
Did God really pour out his wrath against sin on his Son to satisfy his own need for justice? Or did God-in-Christ forgive the world even as it unleashed its wrath against him? Was Christ's sacrifice the ultimate fulfillment of God's demand for redemptive bloodshed? Or was the cross God's great -No- to that whole system? This distinctively panoramic volume offers fresh perspectives on these and other difficult questions reemerging throughout the church today.
James Alison
Kharalambos Anstall
Mark D. Baker
Sharon Baker
Anthony Bartlett
Marcus Borg
Ronald S. Dart
E. Robert Ekblad
Michael Hardin
Brad Jersak
Andrew P. Klager
Brita Miko
C. F. D. Moule
Wayne Northey
Nathan Rieger
Richard Rohr
Miroslav Volf
J. Denny Weaver
Rowan Williams
N. T. Wright
Marie Magdalens funeral teares, 1591 ... A facsimile reproduction with an introduction by Vincent B. Leitch
啟示錄不像坊間的驚世預言書,只為滿足人無謂的好奇心,或教人趨福避禍,反而指出末世必有苦難,但苦難不是終局,也不是邪惡得勢,而是那惡者垂死掙扎,因為坐在高天寶座上 ...
This book is invigorating to read, for it is how biblical theology should be written. Professor Cullmann has set a high standard of biblical scholarship in this book, and it will be a great resource for students of sacred Scripture.
Using a carefully defined approach to historical Jesus studies and historical method, this collection of essays examines twelve key events in the life of Jesus that were part of a...
The Lives of Jesus: A History and Bibliography
"What Color Was Jesus?" shatters the myth of a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus and examines the psychological effect of the white image of Christ.
When the Nicene Creed affirms that the eternal Son of God 'for us and for our salvation came down from heaven', it asserts that God Himself is actively present within...
In this critical survey of Marian literature, a leading Latin American theologian offers fresh insights into the ultimate meaning of the feminine as it applies to men, women, Mary, and...
Noted biblical scholar Elizabeth Struthers Malbon asks a literary question in this landmark volume: how does the Markan narrative characterise Jesus? Through a close narrative analysis, she carefully examines various...