This collaboration by two esteemed evangelical scholars blends a verse-by-verse exposition of select psalms with a history of their interpretation in the church from the time of the apostles to the present. Bruce Waltke, who has been teaching and preaching the book of Psalms for over fifty years, skillfully establishes the meaning of the Hebrew text through the careful exegesis for which he is well known. James Houston traces the church's historical interpretation and use of these psalms, highlighting their deep spiritual significance to Christians through the ages. Waltke and Houston focus their in-depth commentary on thirteen psalms that represent various genres and perspectives or hold special significance for Christian faith and the life of the church, including Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 51, and Psalm 139. While much modern scholarship has tended to "despiritualize" the Psalms, Waltke and Houston's "sacred hermeneutic" listens closely to the two voices of the Holy Spirit ùheard infallibly in Scripture and edifyingly in the church's response. A masterly historical-devotional commentary, The Psalms as Christian Worship will deepen the church's worship and enrich the faith and life of contemporary Christians.
K. Lawson Younger argues that the war stories in the book of Joshua wear the garb of ancient Near East military reports, and he documents that these stories commonly use hyperbole.13 If the prosaic historian uses hyperbole in military ...
The biblical Psalms in Christian worship : a brief introduction and guide to resources by John D. Witvliet (2007).
The Book of Psalms for Worship
The Psalms prohibit any such posture except to God alone, for true confession and repentance is only valid in the ... as expressing petition/ lament, thanksgiving, and praise, these genres have been generally acceptable to scholars.
Christian scholars write to inspire renewed interest in actively praying, reciting, and singing the Psalms in personal and corporate times of worship, citing its biblical basis and historical emphasis.
An indispensable resource for students and scholars, The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms features a diverse array of essays that treat the Psalms from a variety of perspectives.
... lord, and receive 132 We are to Be like a City miles lowell yates (1890–1956) George appleton (1902–1993) ignatius of loyola (1491–1556) John Winthrop, Thomas Jefferson, abraham lincoln, franklin d. roosevelt, martin luther King, ...
This collection, for worship leaders, musicians, and congregations, will inspire both corporate and private devotions.Features include: The Old Testament flavor of the Psalter is retained with new sensitivity to imagery and inclusive ...
The use of the Psalms in Christian worship is a vast topic. The academic disciplines of biblical and liturgical study have not always been in contact with each other. Aimed...
Selections from the Book of Psalms