Annotation Symposium [title] held in Washington, DC July 1986. Papers discuss leachability estimation, data quality assurance, and analytical method development and evaluation. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
The ninth volume in the distinguished series examines the latest research and techniques to control and even eliminate subsurface, groundwater, and marine pollution. The 32 chapters cover four broad categories:...
Industrial Water and Wastewater
Environmental Considerations in Municipal Solid Waste Management Decisions
Factory Waste Potential in Sydney
This is a comprehensive technical text for plant managers, process engineers and industrial chemists.
Waste Incineration Pocket Hand Book
I called Commissioner N. She said she was waiting for a call from the governor and would call me back . I waited anxiously for days . The lady at the AAA office told me they had been having trouble with the company I worked for , as the ...
Yu , Y.S. et Toews , N.A. " Three - dimensi onal stress distribution in a pillar for a typical room - and - pillar system of mining " 11 256 MRP / MRL 79-79 ( TR ) . Kirk , B. " The feasi bility of measuring chrysotile fibres by X - ray ...
Recommended for managers, employees, teachers and students, this readable and informative guide explains the importance of waste minimization as a first step toward sustainability.
Ce guide pratique est une référence indispensable à tous les responsables et ingénieurs en charge de la gestion des déchets, aussi bien en milieu industriel, qu'en bureau d'études ou dans les collectivités locales, ainsi qu'aux ...