Waste Management Technologies: Opportunities for Research and Manufacturing in Australia
Hazardous Waste Leachate Management Manual
The loss of a "nuclear" bomb off Puerto Rico during WWII brings strange consequences to a stressed community in Washington State decades later.
[15] N.N. Greenwood , A. Earnshaw. Chemistry of the elements, Pergamon press, Oxford (1989). [16] O. Ravera. Lead pollution in air and water, FEG, Information Blatt, Nr. 21,46- 54(1974). [17] M.Buchaver. Contamination of soil and ...
Drawing from a variety of engineering and science disciplines, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the complex field of hazardous waste management.
Fully updating the first edition (published in 2001), this comprehensive commentary on waste management legislation in force in Ireland includes the full consolidation of principle legislation in this complex area of law.
Le volume I du rapport est divisé en quatre parties. Il résume les données sur les concentrations des produits chimiques toxiques dans l'eau et les sédiments, chez les invertébrés et le poisson, chez la faune et chez les humains.
Hence Book Is An Appropriate Attempt To Fill The Lacunae. This Book Will Be Useful To Undergraduate And Graduate Students, Environmental Managers And The General Public As Well.
Practical Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Waste
"Mankind will need to listen to Earth if we plan to stay alive and the only question is how many will perish before we heed the planet's agonizing plea for help."--Cover.