Cloth edition: $24.95.
"Especially effective as a critique and displacement of largely misconceived and widely accepted interpretations of Hopi myth and Hopi political factionalism.
CHAPTER 6 THE UNIQUE ROLE OF THE SHAMAN The Pueblo Shamanic Role Utilized Vision Quests , or ASCs ( known as “ Altered States of Consciousness ” ) . While some elements of rock art were purely factual such as trail locators , road maps ...
Lewis - Williams & Dowson 1988. J.D. Lewis - Williams and T.A. Dowson , “ The Signs of All times : Entoptic Phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic Art . ” In Current Anthropology Vol . 29 , No. 2. Used with permission . Mountjoy 1982.
Cross Umberto Eco, Aldous Huxley, and Carlos Castaneda and you get the voice of Daniel Pinchbeck. And yet nothing quite prepares you for the lucidity, rationality, and informed audacity of...
John D. Loftin. Attempts to demonstrate that Hopi mythology cannot be understood apart from the historical circumstances , mood , and clan of the informant . Gross , Rita M. 1980. “ Menstruation and Childbirth as Ritual and Religious ...
Spun through these tales are supernatural beings, otherworldly landscapes, magical devices and medicines, and shamans and witches.
Have you figured out who the two Maasaws are yet? We know there is only one legitimate Maasaw. So what are the Elders really saying? They are showing us that the two Maasaws in this parable are the Traditionalists on the one side and ...
Maasaw. Fewkes (1902b) also produced the first description of the Hopi deity, Maasaw, God of Fire, Death, Germination, and the Underworld. Stephen had written just a few weeks before his death, of Maasaw hacking at his chest with a dull ...
Hopi Land is hallowed ground. It is bathed in an aura of the sacred, yet carries with it an ever-present possibility of the unexpected. More than 80 of the 100...