I was at my grandfather's house, and he was sitting down, getting his pipe ready early in the morning, and here was Father Sialm knocking on the door. They opened the door, and he came in, and he saw my grandfather with the pipe. Father Sialm grabbed the pipe and said, "This is the work of the devil!" And he took it and threw it out the door on the ground. My grandfather didn't say a word. He got up and took the priest's prayer book and threw it out on the ground. Then they both looked at each other, and nobody said one word that whole time.
The epic life story of the Native American holy man who has inspired millions around the world
Reveals the life of Lakota healer Nicholas Black Elk as he led his tribe's battle against white settlers who threatened their homes and buffalo herds, and describes the victories and tragedies at Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee. Reprint.
Portrays the Sioux spiritual leader as a victim of Western subjugation.
Along with other Lakota survivors, Big Foot's brother, Frog, corroborated the indictment shouted to— wardYellow Bird. Although Yellow Bird's contemporaries did not see him as a pacifying presence at the event, a reinterpretation of what ...
These stories, and countless more, offer insight into this extraordinary man whose cause for canonization is now underway at the Vatican.
Now the chicken hawk spoke from its bush and said: "Behold! Your Grandfathers shall come forth and you shall hear them!" Hearing this, I lifted up my eyes, and there was a big storm coming from the west. It was the thunder being nation, ...
Award-winning author and member of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe S. D. Nelson tells the story of Black Elk through the voice of the medicine man, bringing to life what it was like to be Native American from the mid-nineteenth century to the ...
These stories, and countless more, offer insight into this extraordinary man whose cause for canonization is now underway at the Vatican.
" STANLEY KRIPPNER, PH.D., coauthor of 'Personal Mythology: The Psychology of Your Evolving Self' and 'Healing States' "Black Elk opens the Lakota sacred hoop to a comic
Damian Costello has taken post-colonial studies to new and exciting heights with his book, Black Elk: Colonialism and Lakota Catholicism. Costello's work examines the life and thought of Black Elk...