Originally published: Lincoln: Nebraska Book Pub., c1996.
McCann, T. M., D'Angelo, R., Galas, N., & Greska, M. (2015). Literacy and history in action: Immersive ... Miller, S., Williamson, P., George, M., King, J., Charest, B., Bieler, B., et al. (2015). Applying the CEE position statement ...
In Solid Ground, celebrated Buddhist teachers Sylvia Boorstein, Zoketsu Norman Fisher, and Tsoknyi Rinpoche use their diverse wisdom to address the immediate and practical concerns of our lives, including individual crises as well as the ...
The program was brief and the ball was uneventful except for a conversation I had with Len DeLuca and Dave Kenin , from CBS Sports . I was told the day before the ball that I needed to redo an interview with CBS Sports which had aired ...
Ps. 146:8. ne evening in 1849 British teenager J. Hudson Taylor knelt by his bed and prayed for a deeper consecration to God. Before rising from his knees, Hudson discovered the purpose of his life. He would go to China for Christ.
If only Robert McNamara had known the Law of Solid Ground, the War in Vietnam, and everything that happened at home because of it, might have turned out differently.
To Stand on Solid Ground? brings to life an unusual relationship between Confederate loyalists and Union sympathizers.The story is a deeply human take on the Civil War and the multiple battlefronts that challenged this mountain county and ...
Attempts to predict them have ranged from studies of California’s fault lines by USGS geologists to the work of an odd assortment of psychics and apocalyptics who base their sometimes startlingly accurate forecasts on everything from ...
Landing on Solid Ground
This book issues an invitation for us to build our lives on bedrock, to search for truth, even when it is hard to find, rather than give in to the temptation of a superficial utilitarianism that ignores life's most important questions.nk ...
He pretended to have transmitted genuinely inspired predictions about the future, which in reality were no more than historical narratives. This is known as Maccabean thesis. Its advocates are intelligent and biblically literate.