In this elegant book, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer explores the manifold ways in which the Civil War changed the United States forever. He confronts its costs, not only human (six hundred thousand men killed) and economic (beyond reckoning) but social and psychological. He touches on popular misconceptions, including some concerning Abraham Lincoln and the issue of slavery. The war in all its facets “grows in our consciousness,” arousing complex emotions and leaving “a gallery of great human images for our contemplation.”
The Military Legacy of the Civil War: The European Inheritance
What, exactly, was the legacy of disunion? This collection explores that question from a variety of angles, showcasing the work of twelve scholars from the United States and the United Kingdom.
The Legacy of the Civil War
The Legacy of the American Civil War
Caesar's Legacy grippingly retells the story of Augustus' rise to power by focusing on how the bloody civil wars which he and his soldiers fought transformed the lives of men and women throughout the Mediterranean world and beyond.
The American Civil War shaped the course of the country's history and its national identity. This is no less true for the state of Arkansas.
... Plan of the Trip and Programme of Exercises,” Sheridan's Veterans' Materials. 116. Whitney, Union and Confederate Campaigns, 1. 117. Allan, History of the Campaign. 118. Pond, Shenandoah Valley in 1864. 119. John Peyton Clark Papers ...
This volume is ideal for scholars concerned with Latin American society and politics generally, and civil-military relations, peace-building and good governance in particular.
Pullen explores renowned military hero Joshua Chamberlain's later life through the lens of his Civil War experiences. 24 illustrations.
In this highly-anticipated new work, Christopher Waldrep takes a fresh look at how the Vicksburg campaign was fought and remembered.