Rely on this study guide to master the principles, concepts, and skills that are the foundation of your nursing education. At the same time, you'll be honing the critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential to your success in the classroom and in practice. Each chapter features five types of exercises. All are designed to reinforce what you're learning in class and clinical and to help you identify areas for additional study. Perforated pages make it easy for you to submit your assignments for evaluation.
Davis Edge Over 2,000 NCLEX-style questions that align to Fundamentals of Nursing Care with page references Comprehensive rationales for both correct and incorrect answers to promote in-depth understanding Test-taking tips to prepare ...
"Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care, Seventh Edition, promotes nursing as an evolving art and science, directed to human health and well-being.
The public health nurse is working with the county health department on a task force to fully integrate the goals of Healthy People 2020. ... Olson KI, et al: Cornerstones of public health nursing, Public Health Nurs 28(3):249, 2011.
A comprehensive, introductory textbook, Fundamentals of Nursing presents basic professional concepts, clinical concepts, and clinical skills with step-by-step illustrated procedures. The text's striking, full-color visual material holds students' interest, and...
Our aim is to teach students to understand and connect the what, why, and how of safe and effective care"--
Choose the correct answer(s). In some questions, more than one ... Tell the UAP to check if Mr. Godfrey knows how to use his crutches and that if he does, the aide can escort him to the hospital exit. b. Tell the UAP to take over with ...
Highly recommend-- a good way to come prepared for class. “To any prospective nursing students out there thinking about purchasing this workbook, please do! It has sections that directly correlate with each chapter of the textbook.
Created in conjunction with Fundamentals of Nursing, Seventh Edition, this Study Guide helps students review and apply concepts from the textbook to prepare for exams as well as nursing practice.
Highly recommend-- a good way to come prepared for class."To any prospective nursing students out there thinking about purchasing this workbook, please do! It has sections that directly correlate with each chapter of the textbook.
Fundamentals of Nursing