Package consists of: . Fundamentals of Nursing (2-volume text) . Skills Videos to Accompany Wilkinson's and Van Leuven's Fundamentals of Nursing . Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing . Taber's, 21/e (indexed) . Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, 12/e (w/CD) . Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications, 3/e
This practical book shows you how to bundle reusable R functions, sample data, and documentation together by applying author Hadley Wickham’s package development philosophy.
Despite this, the text builds up to advanced topics such as automated testing, creating documentation, versioning and updating a package, and implementing continuous integration and deployment.
... [ibm][db2][jcc][sqlj] Loading profile: TestSqlj_SJProfile0 [ibm][db2][jcc][sqlj] User bind options: DBPROTOCOL(DRDA) DEGREE(1) EXPLAIN(YES) ISOLATION(CS) OWNER(FXFQ) QUALIFIER(QA) RELEASE(COMMIT) REOPT(NONE) SQLERROR(NO PACKAGE) ...
Consists of:ISBN 978-0-9748018-0-3ISBN 978-0-9748018-4-1ISBN 978-0-9799432-3-2
Lww Package 2008 Customized Nursing Fundamentals Pkg
The book demonstrates Satter's dictum that “your positive feelings about food and eating will do more for your health than adhering to a set of rules about what to eat and what not to eat.”