Package consists of: . Fundamentals of Nursing (2-volume text) . Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing . Taber's 21/e (indexed) . Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, 12/e (w/CD) . Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications, 3/e . Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and Rationales, 12/e
Savings Package Consists of: Fundamentals of Nursing, 2nd EditionBy:Judith M. WilkinsonFundamentals of Nursing Procedures ChecklistBy:Judith M. Wilkinson and Leslie TreasTaber's Medical Dictionary, 21st EditionBy: Donald VenesDavis's Drug Guide for Nurses,...
There are many factors that can go into the analysis, and this report reviews best practices in property development."--Foreword.
Tropical Plant Science
Now, for the first time, and experienced translator of medieval verse who is himself a poet provides a translation of Chretien's major poem, Yvain, in verse that fully and satisfyingly captures the movement, the sense, and the spirit of the ...
To uphold family honor and tradition, Sheetal Prasad is forced to forsake the man she loves and marry playboy millionaire Rakesh Dhanraj while the citizens of Raigun, India, watch in envy.
The book reminds the readers that the Africans of old kept their pride and still enjoyed their own lives.
Truth Is A Woman is a poetry collection by Loren Jakobov. The poems discuss the World from the eyes of a woman, the pain and the beauty that lies therein.
BASIC APPROACH: Comprehensive -- this text explores the "full range" of finite element methods used in engineering practice for actual applications in computer-aided design. It provides not only an introduction...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
This book explains everything you need to know-picking the right pellet flavors, maximizing the potential of your smoker-grill, and mastering cold-smoke and slow-roast techniques.