Dental Hygiene: Applications to Clinical Practice

Dental Hygiene: Applications to Clinical Practice
Dental care
F A Davis Company
Maria Perno Goldie, Rachel Kearney Henry


Dental Hygiene and work together to create an immersive, multimedia experience that tracks your progress until you've mastered the must-know concepts and techniques and are ready to apply them in class, clinical, and practice. You'll develop the foundational knowledge, critical-thinking skills, and technical competencies you need to pass the boards and enter practice as a dental hygiene professional. Dental Hygiene Applications to Clinical Practice Bridge the gap between the theory and clinical patient care! This comprehensive text encompasses all of the theoretical and scientific knowledge that is the foundation of dental hygiene practice today integrated with the clinical procedures and techniques you need to succeed. You'll master the critical-thinking and clinical decision-making skills that are essential to delivering the highest quality care to your patients and you'll also explore the importance of professionalism, patient advocacy, and leadership. This immersive, multi-media, online learning platform guides you step by step as you learn to recognize equipment and anatomical features, master dental procedures, and learn to communicate with clients and colleagues. And, it tracks and assesses your progress each step of the way. A special code in the front of the book unlocks for you...including an ebook of the text. Visit to learn more.

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