Now celebrating its 50 years in print, this text has held onto the foundation of its great success, while also being re-invented for today’s audience. The focus of this text remains the practical instruction of functional anatomy in order to quickly, and convincingly, guide readers to its use in professional performance. This text is filled with modern applications that will show your students the relevance of foundational material to their future careers.
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Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology
Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology
Booher, L. D., Hench, K. M., W orrell, T. W., & Stikeleather, J. (1993). Reliability of three single-leg hop tests. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2, 165–170. Noyes, F. R., Barber, S. D., & Mangine, R. E. (1991).
O'Donoghue DH. Surgical treatment of fresh injuries to the major ligaments of the knee, 1950. Clin Orthop.1991;271:3–8. 5. O'Donoghue D. An analysis of end results of surgical treatment of major injuries to the ligaments of the knee.
Human Physiology, 2e
This book provides an overview of the research into these effects, from theoretical research through current studies that emphasize neuroscientific theories and rationales.
Youdas JW, Bogard CL, Suman VJ. Reliability of goniometric measurements and visual estimates of ankle joint range of motion obtained in a clinical setting. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1993;74: 1113-1118. 120. Youdas JW, Carey TR, Garrett TR.
Bathen, M, and Gupta, R: Basic science of peripheral nerve injury and repair. In Skirven, TM, Osterman, AL, Fedorczyk, JM, and Amadio, ... Earp, BE, Floyd, WE, Louie, D, Koris, M, and Protomastro, P: Ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist.
It continues to serve that function, but the market for it has expanded to practitioners in the field looking for an additional resource, as well as in an academic setting where the book is a core text for personal training programs.