Maternal-Child Nursing Care: Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children, and Families

Maternal-Child Nursing Care: Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers, Children, and Families
Maternal-Child Nursing Care
F A Davis Company
Susan L. Ward, Shelton M. Hisley


AJN Book of the Year 2009 The ENHANCED, REVISED, REPRINT of Maternal-Child Care Nursing is the same great book that won an AJN Book-of-the-Year Award... made even better with the feedback we received from instructors across the country and Canada. BONUS! The Women's Health Companion, packaged with every copy of the book, is a $29.00 value that's absolutely FREE when you purchase the ENHANCED, REVISED, REPRINT. It's a complete guide to the role of the nurse in promoting women's health. From class to clinical through NCLEX to practice, it presents all of the information nursing students need to know and shows them how to apply it in both traditional and community settings. There are even teaching and learning resources for this content online at DavisPlus. The perfect balance of maternal and childnursing care in a new textbook conceivedand written to be a combination textbook!An extensive review by nursing educatorsensures that it offers just the right depthand breadth of coverage for students intoday's maternity/pediatric courses.Its unique emphasis on optimizing outcomes,evidence-based practice, and researchsupports the goal of caring for women,families and children not only in traditionalhospital settings, but also wherever theylive, work, study, or play. Clear, concise,and easy to follow, the content is organizedaround four major themes, holisticcare, critical thinking, validating practice,and tools for care that help students tolearn and apply the material.

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