The neuro rehab text that mirrors how you learn and how you practice! Take an evidence-based approach to the neurorehabilitation of adult and pediatric patients across the lifespan that reflects the APTA’s patient management model and the WHO’s International Classification of Function (ICF). You’ll study examination and interventions from the body structure/function impairments and functional activity limitations commonly encountered in patients with neurologic disorders. Then, understanding the disablement process, you’ll be able to organize the clinical data that leads to therapeutic interventions for specific impairments that can then be applied as appropriate anytime that impairment is detected, regardless of the medical diagnosis.
Wright, P. A., Durham, S., Ewins, D. J. and Swain, I. D. (2012) Neuromuscular electrical stimulation for children with cerebral palsy: A review. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(4), 364–371. 230. Arya, B., Subramanya, K., ...
The text presents "best practice" insights, made clinically meaningful and easily applicable to patient care. (Product Description).
Providing intervention models grounded in neuroscience and occupation, this comprehensive new edition of the best-seller examines current evidence and best practices for working with clients across the lifespan." -- Page 4 de la couverture
Here’s everything Physical Therapists need to know about medical imaging. This comprehensive guide helps you develop the skills and knowledge you need to accurately interpret imaging studies and understand written reports.
Draw upon the foundations necessary for finding and interpreting research evidence across all healthcare professions.
NEW and EXPANDED! Additional case studies illustrate how concepts apply to practice. Updated chapters incorporate the latest advances and the newest information in neurological rehabilitation strategies. NEW and UNIQUE!
This workbook is the companion to Functional Neurorehabilitation Through the Life Span. The text and workbook create a complete learning package.
After you're done, log on to, and check out the Study Group podcast and Study Group Questions for the chapter. Key Topics for Chapter 2: • The difference between matter, elements, and compounds • The main elements in the ...
Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Limb Across the Lifespan
"... this manual does an excellent job of merging traditional and contemporary principles of neurotherapeutic intervention, all with a practical, functional orientation.