Think like a nurse from the very beginning. Fundamentals of Nursing Care, 3rd Edition, DavisPlus Resources, and Davis Edge work together to create an interactive learning experience that teaches students to make the connections each step of the way. The text, written specifically for LPNs/LVNs, provides the comprehensive foundational knowledge they need to understand. DavisPlus equips instructors with the lesson plans, teaching resources, and activities to create an active classroom environment where students can apply what they're learning. Davis Edge online quizzing tracks student progress; assesses their knowledge; and provides real time analytics to identify their weak concepts and topic areas. This additional practice and direction helps students be successful in this course and builds their confidence as they prepare for the NCLEX® exam. Text Fundamentals of Nursing Care Concepts, Connections & Skills, 3rd Edition A student-oriented focus helps LPN/LVN students to master safe and effective nursing care by developing the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills they need to excel in clinical practice. Clear, concise, readable, well organized, and easy to follow, it's the text that prepares new nurses to make the connections. Davis Edge Davis Edge is the online quizzing program that integrates seamlessly into the classroom to give students the additional practice questions they need to perform well on course and board exams. It provides instructors with the real-time information they need to monitor, track, and assess their class' mastery of the content. Educators will be able to easily identify the areas in which students are struggling, intervene quickly, and provide relevant remediation to ensure that students succeed and improve within following areas: Comprehension and Retention: How well do students understand the content? Participation and Engagement: Are students keeping-up with their reading and assignments? Test-Taking Skills: Are students prepared for NCLEX®-style questions and improving their test-taking skills? An access code inside new printed texts unlocks Davis Edge and DavisPlus resources, including an ebook powered by VitalSource.
Anne Preston , sitting beside Sheila , saved the day . ' Have you fixed a date for your wedding yet , Deb ? ' • Yes . Ten weeks ' time , ' Deb said , colouring at the buzz of interested voices . Few of them had ever met Guy , but Deb ...
Stress and health in later maturity . J. Geront . 20:65 , 1965 . GRINKER , ROY R. Sr. , with the collaboration of GRINKER , ROY R. JR . , AND TIMBERLAKE , JOHN : Mentally healthy young males ( homoclites ) . A study . Arch . Gen.
Training Program to Enhance Cultural Competency in Nursing Homes
Hodgson , R. J. and Rachman , S. ( 1977 ) Obsessional compulsive complaints . Behaviour Research and Therapy , 15 , 389–395 . 23. See also Taylor , S. ( 1995 ) . Assessment of obsessions and compulsions : reliability , validity and ...
The workbook guides users through Pacific View Regional Hospital, a virtual hospital setting, where one can learn communication, documentation, assessment, and safe medication administration.
Mrs. Campbell didn't have good veins , and two nurses including myself were having trouble getting a line started . The confused woman was known to pull out her IV lines and anything else attached to her . She'd also unpredictably climb ...
Fundamentals of Nursing
Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation: The Role of the Nurse
Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing
The text explores the full spectrum of psychiatric nursing, helping you master specific nursing interventions, hone your therapeutic communication skills, and learn to apply content effectively within the framework of the nursing process.