After the Civil War Paul, the son of a white father and a black mother, finds himself caught between the two worlds of colored folks and white folks as he pursues his dream of owning land of his own.
Litigation In late September 1983, a group of plaintiffs including the International Indian Treaty Council, the Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC), Fred “Coyote” Downey, Robert Sutherland, and Richard Gienger challenged ...
The tag line 'Live the life your soul was meant for,' captured the hearts and minds of his entire generation. 'The Land' was the largest and most dynamic virtual reality world of all time.
This book explores the multiple cultural meanings, historical interpretations, and cosmological values of this extraordinary region by combining archaeological and historical sources with the ethnographic perspectives of four contemporary ...
The struggle to "Free the Land" remains active to this day. This book is the first to tell the full history of the RNA and the New Afrikan Independence Movement.
A village has been founded.
Of the Land presents a series of prints and poems that follow the life and work of master silkscreen printer Lou Stovall as he was developing his unique techniques in the 1970s–a period of jazz, protest, and prolific art production in ...
She tells the provocative story of how black men's right to vote transformed local affairs, and how, in short order, city reformers made that right virtually meaningless.
Sharron Standifer Ashton (Norman, Okla.: Sharon Standifer Ashton, 1998), 3:45. Ibid. “Liberia,” Muskogee Phoenix, November 8, 1888, 1. “Territory News,” Muskogee Phoenix, February 25, 1892, 1; untitled, Muskogee Phoenix, February 25, ...
This book also contributes to a long-running debate about American values by revealing how veneration for small, private properties has shaped the political consciousness of strip mining opponents.
The 8th Novel of the Internationally Acclaimed Chaos Seeds Saga Over 100 THOUSAND ?