An expert in the study of mass communications and an expert on interpersonal communication bring together contributions that explore the ways in which we are persuaded. Essays cover three major aspects of the subject: theory and definition of persuasion, factors in the persuasion process, and the application of persuasion to negotiation, marketing, family relationships and politics.
'This collection seemed to me a good review of a fascinating field. As a therapist, I found I was able to pull together a range of ideas that I considered worthy of development and application...Though not written with therapists in mind, this book represented for me an introduction to a new range of possibilities for influencing people towards
Quadrant II ( control - love ) contains a complex and conflicted set of parental attitudes and behaviors ” ( Maccoby & Martin , 1983 , p . 45 ) . It is a pattern of positive involvement but possessive maternal behavior .
Cognition, Communication, and the Freedom of Access to Knowledge and Society Robert De Beaugrande. Hall , Stuart , Chas Critcher , Tony Jefferson , John Clarke , & Brian Roberts . 1978 . Policing the Crisis : Mugging , the State ...
... 177 Nakano , O. , 177 Neubauer , D. , 15 Neuman , W. , 230 , 231 Neurath , O. , 224 Newton , I. , 24 , 136 Nielson , K. , 104 , 122 Nisbett , R. , 132 , 134 Noble , D. , 193 , 196 Nohrstedt , S. , 31 , 32 , 34 , 38 Nordenstreng ...
The millwrights ' and millers ' resistance to Evans's message was so great that their first recorded reaction was : “ It will not do ! it cannot do !! it is impossible that it should do !!! " 9 Nevertheless , Evans persisted in his ...
Suggested Reading Among Schoolchildren by Tracy Kidder . Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1989 . Life in Mrs. Zajac's fifth grade class in Holyoke . Massachusetts , is reported by Tracy Kidder , who spent a year observing the class .
Silent film's most complete reference guide, focusing on American actors, directors, and screenwriters, with an emphasis on the 1910's through the 1920s.
... 14 Roscho, B., 82, 251 Rosenblum, B., 96, 251 Rosengren, K., 90, 251 Roszak, T., 206 Rote, K., 58 Roth, W., 143, 147-148 Rourke, F., 142, 251 Rozelle, P., 223, 228 RTNDA, 99 Rubin, J., 244 Sachs, C, 14, 251 Sachsman, D., 251 Safire, ...
Camp is a tender feeling Susan Sontag , “ Notes on Camp ” I personally think , that if you're a queer girl , you better have a damn good sense of humor , otherwise you're gonna get shit on a lot more . Marnie , age 17 Most of the queer ...
Gartner, the industry analysts, predict the total will reach 2.4 trillion by 2010.3 Given the lucrative nature of the business, a slowdown is inconceivable. Gartner reported that text messaging generated around 70 billion dollars of ...
Wiemann , J. , Chen , V. , & Giles , H. ( 1986 , November ) . Beliefs about talk and silence in a cultural context . ... Nonverbal interaction . Beverly Hills , CA : Sage . Wigand , R. ( 1982 ) . Direct satellite broadcasting . In M ...