A conceptual base for theory building, clinical practice and research in the area of chronic and life-threatening illness opens this volume, which then addresses such pertinent issues as: the physical, emotional and financial problems faced by families with children having developmental and learning difficulties; chronically ill children or elderly members; and available forms of treatment for the chronically ill or physically impaired. The contributors also consider boundary ambiguity experienced by families of Alzheimer's patients and an outline for psychotherapy for the relatives of dementia patients. Finally, problems of social policy, including inequitable and inaccessible financing, are addressed and some possible solutions offered.
In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
Levinson , op . cit . , p . 40 . 108. Levinson is an exception in emphasizing both parents : “ A critically important aspect ... derives from the values of the parents . If a person can recall not so much what his parents did but how in ...
This volume provides a clear and concise overview of the mental, emotional, physical and social conditions of children in the United States, and the current social concerns which threaten their well-being.
According to Segal and Stewart ( 1996 ) , chemical substances pose a profound threat to the health of adolescents , because substance abuse affects metabolism , internal organs , the central nervous system , emotional functioning ...
Warren , R. B. , & Warren , D. I. ( 1977 ) . The neighborhood organizer's handbook . ... In E. Gambrill & R. Pruger ( Eds . ) , Controversial issues in social work ( pp . 289-293 ) . Boston , MA : Allyn & Bacon .
After reading about the fundamental skills and techniques of counseling in the text, you can access complementary role plays, skill demonstrations, and process stages ... to see the same essential principles in action. -Back cover.
They may also need to become systemic change agents , intervening in environments that impede the development of Native youth ( Eberhard , 1989 ) . In the school setting , for example , counselors can encourage the revision of curricula ...
Mäkelä , K. ( 1993a ) . Implications for research of the cultural variability of Alcoholics Anonymous . In B. S. McCrady & W. R. Miller ( Eds . ) , Research on Alcoholics Anonymous : Opportunities and Alternatives ( pp . 189-208 ) .
Davis , I. ( 1975 ) . Advice - giving in parent counseling . Social Casework , 56 , 343–347 . Davis , L. , Galinsky , M. , & Schopler , J. ( 1995 ) . RAP : A framework for leadership of multiracial groups .
葛雷(Mary L. Gray)、西達爾特.蘇利(Siddharth Suri). 註58:調查LeadGenius時,我們的重心放在 ... 註60:簡森、雷維爾、鄭金英和威爾森聯手創造了名為Miro的開源軟體專案,成為Amara的根源。Miro在極盛時期,一個月有兩百萬名使用者──稱不上天大的革命性 ...