The second edition of Patton's classic text retains the practical advice, based on empirical observation and evaluation theory, of the original. It shows how to conduct an evaluation, from beginning to end, in a way that will be useful -- and actually used. Patton believes that evaluation epitomizes the challenges of producing and using information in the information age. His latest book includes new stories, new examples, new research findings, and more of Patton's evaluation humour. He adds to the original book's insights and analyses of the changes in evaluation during the past decade, including: the emergence of evaluation as a field of professional practice; articulation of standards for evaluation; a methodological synthesis of the qualitative versus quantitative debate; the tremendous growth of 'in-house' evaluations; and the cross-cultural development of evaluation as a profession. This edition also incorporates the considerable research done on utilization during the last ten years. Patton integrates diverse findings into a coherent framework which includes: articulation of utilization-focused evaluation premises; examination of the stakeholder assumption; and clarification of the meaning of utilization. --Publisher description.
Nelson and Schwert ( 1982 ) argue that compared with other methods such as the Direct Granger Approach ( Freeman , 1983 ) cross - correlations between prewhitened time - series lack statistical power . Hence the lack of success of many ...
`a very good book indeed... I have read and re-read many parts of the text.
Attorneys As Activists: Evaluating Us Bar Association Basics Program
Ms. Keane — The world's most defensive program administrator ; favorite dessert is sugar and syrup ; sees the silver lining in a tornado ; programmed her computer to reject the word “ problem ” ; etc. For her flaming red name , known as ...
陇者甘肃,历史悠久,文化醇厚。陇上学人,或生于斯长于斯的本地学者,或外来而其学术成就多产于甘肃者。学人是学术活动的主体,就《陇上学人文存》(以下简称《文存》)的 ...
本书共分十章, 内容包括: 承诺, 宏大理论, 抽象经验主义, 各种实用取向, 科层制气质, 各种科学哲学, 人的多样性, 历史的运用, 论理性与自由, 论政治.
... 布尔斯廷著 05 《美国人:建国的历程》/[美]丹尼尔·布尔斯廷著 06 《美国人:民主的历程》/[美]丹尼尔·布尔斯廷著 07 《专制与民主的社会起源》/[美]巴林顿·摩尔著 08 《希望的原理》(第一卷)/[德]恩斯特·布洛赫著 09 《文明的进程》/[德]诺贝特·埃利亚 ...
杜十娘为何投江?以《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》为题材的戏,好像不少剧种都有。我看过的,只有陈书舫、袁玉堃演出的川剧《李甲归舟》,河北省青年跃进(梆子)剧团演出的《杜十娘》;此外,听过徐丽仙、张维桢演唱的评弹。廖静秋遗作川剧艺术片《杜十娘》,没有看过, ...
《资治通鉴》谓:“户部尚书杜悰奔马见李德裕曰:'天子年少,新即位,兹事不宜手滑。'”李德裕的《献替记》则说是“会昌元年三月二十四日,遇假在宅,向晚闻有中使一人向东,一人向南,处置二故相及裴夷直。余遣人问盐铁崔相、度支杜尚书、京兆卢尹 ...
萧先生此诗题为《雨僧移讲成都赋赠二首》,下注“雨僧去岁五十初度”。诗共二律,全引如下:鬓霜剑外乍添丝,守道身严似旧时。移座倾谈心曲语,启囊亲检别来诗。尘劳愧我仍无状,天命知君已不疑。杜陆遐踪今有继,风流儒雅亦吾师。(自注:借用杜句)孤怀卓荦任斯文, ...