Media, Sports and Society provides a foundation for research on the communication of sports. The volume is framed by a seminal article outlining the parameters of the communication of sports and pointing to major issues that need to be addressed in the relationship between sports and media. Contributors examine the theoretical, cultural and historical issues, the production of media sports programming, its content and its audience. Individual chapters include a discussion of the spectacle of media sports, a comparison of Super Bowl Football and World Cup Soccer, a consideration of the spectators' enjoyment of sports violence, the rhetoric of winning and the American dream, and a fascinating examination of gender harmony and sports in
Jackson, J.(2008), 'Heroic Howard Spells Endfor Liverpool', The Observer (17 Feb.). Jackson, S.(1998), 'A Twist ofRace: BenJohnson andthe Canadian CrisisofRacial and National Identity', Sociology ofSport Journal, 15:21–40.
An Analysis of Football Talk on Television', in S. Johnson and U. Meinhof, eds, Language and Masculinity, London: Blackwell. Fishman, M. (1980), Manufacturing the News, Austin: University of Texas Press.
The text also demonstrates how sports media representation can influence both American culture and the individuals who consume said media.
5 Neil H. Cheek, Jr. and William R. Burch, Jr., The Social Organisation of Leisure in Human Society, Harper & Row, New York, 1976, p. 222. 6 However, despite the idealistic halo that surrounds the modern view of sport in Ancient Greece, ...
Digital Media Sport analyzes the intersecting issues of technological change, market power, and cultural practices that shape the contemporary global sports media landscape.
This Second Edition contains five brand new chapters, which reflect recent concerns with: young athletes and human rights, sport and the city, sport and violence, sport and health, and sport and Islam.
This edited collection examines how fantasy sports play has established a prominent and promising foothold in the larger sports ecology.
Examining the ways in which media sport has insinuated itself into contemporary everyday life, this book traces the rise of the sports media and the economic and political influences on and implications of the media sports cultural complex.
This book was originally published as a special issue of Sport in Society.
Sports Media & Society (First Edition)