Adolescent and young adult male victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse are focused upon in this clinically sophisticated volume, which examines three intervention approaches to working with these client populations.
Drawing upon adaptations of self-psychology, Gonsiorek describes assessment, treatment planning and individual psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioural techniques. For working with perpetrators, Bera explores a type of family systems therapy and a victim-sensitive therapy. Finally, a model for working with an ignored population sometimes viewed as untreatable in therapy - young male street prostitutes - is presented by LeTourneau.
As you read these intimate stories, youll learn how societys narrow definitions of sexuality and masculinity have conspired to silence male victims, preventing many from speaking up about their abuse.
Since the first edition of Male Victims of Sexual Assault was published in 1992 there have been significant developments in our understanding of the prevalence and characteristics of the sexual...
This book is a valuable resource for clinicians at every level of training.
With personal case histories of victims and their families, this is a powerfully written and meticulously researched book that is a landmark in the field of child sexual abuse literature.
The author examines the phenomenon and long-term impact of sexual abuse on male children, and dispells many myths regarding the invulnerability of male victims.
McCann, I. L., 8: Pearlman, L. A. (1990). Psychological trauma and the adult survivor: Theory, therapy and transformation. New York: Brunner/Mazel. McCann, J. (1998). The appearance of acute, healing, and healed anogenital trauma.
This book aims at reducing the stigma and increasing the understanding of sexual trauma in men. Book jacket.
Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse is for male survivors and their supporters.
This inspirational book was written to empower male survivors of sexual victimization at any age to overcome the effects of trauma and learn to thrive.
The first book available to comprehensively address the treatment of sexually abused males, Opening the Door: A Treatment Model for Therapy with Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse is based on current research and the carefully evolved ...