This book looks at the movements of immigrants and refugees and the challenges they face as they cross cultural boundaries and strive to build a new life in an unfamiliar place. It focuses on the psychological dynamic underpinning of their adaptation process, how their internal conditions change over time, the role of their ethnic and personal backgrounds, and of the conditions of the host environment affecting the process. Addressing these and related issues, the author presents a comprehensive theory, or a "big picture,"of the cross-cultural adaptation phenomenon.
The main purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of interculturality, to examine how it can emerge in an unplanned way and to consider ways in which it can be more systematically addressed through education, particularly through ...
This book demonstrates the complementarity of educational and training approaches to developing intercultural competence as represented by those who work in commercial training and those who work in further and higher education.
This book explores these aspects in three parts: The first part is dedicated to the sources of our intellectual life and mission, where the themes of the love of God, the rootedness in the Word, and our commitment to mission are dealt with.
This edited volume explores the educational significance of intercultural experience. It offers a broader conception of interculturality than commonly found in the area of foreign language teaching.
This book, in the case study tradition, examined the lived experiences of 12 former high school students who participated in an exchange trip to Argentina, in connection with intercultural competency development.
Immigration movements, societal change, and technological advances mean that cultural diversity is a reality, and ethnic diversity is increasing, as is religious diversity.
Organizational Climate Inventory (Cooke and Lafferty 1983; Cooke and Szumal 1993) 2. Culture for Diversity Inventory ▽ (Human Synergistics/Center for Applied Research 2001; Cooke and Lafferty 1995) 3.
This book will equip ministry readers to embrace a Creole process, becoming culturally competent and social justice focused, whether they are emerging from a history of injustice or they are heirs of privilege.
This text deals with cross-cultural adaptation of immigrants, refugees and sojourners and presents interdisciplinary theory in anthropology, communication, psychiatry, psychology, sociology and linguistics. It emphasizes cross-cultural experiences and social integration.
This book is intended to help the new generation of ethical and educational travelers make the most of their international experience, and show them how to broaden their cultural horizons while also making a contribution to their host ...