Foundations of Program Evaluation heralds a thorough exploration of the field of program evaluation--looking back on its origins. By summarizing, comparing, and contrasting the work of seven major theorists of program evaluation, this book provides an important perspective on the current state of evaluation theory and provides suggestions for ways of improving its practice. Beginning in Chapter Two, the authors develop a conceptual framework to analyze how successfully each theory meets the specific criteria of its framework. Each subsequent chapter is devoted to the presentation of the theoretical and practical advice of a significant theorist--Michael Scriven, Donald Campbell, Carol Weiss, Joseph Wholey, Robert Stake, Lee Cronbach, and Peter Rossi.
Revised editon of Program evaluation for social workers, 2012.
This ground-breaking book fills this gap, covering the essentials of program evaluation as it is used in education and with a wide variety of evaluation projects to be discussed, analyzed, and reflected upon.
This engaging text takes an evenhanded approach to major theoretical paradigms in evaluation and builds a bridge from them to evaluation practice.
This book will guide evaluators exploration of their roles
Unlike other textbooks on the market, Program Evaluation for Social Workers presents both program-level evaluation and case-level evaluation methods; assuming that neither of these two distinct approaches alone adequately reflects the ...
An updated guide to the core concepts of program evaluation This updated edition of Program Evaluation in Practice covers the core concepts of program evaluation and uses case studies to touch on real-world issues that arise when conducting ...
For example, Pecora and colleagues (2005) have shown the need for educational support after children in foster care leave the system. They reported that only 1.8% of young adults (25–34 years of age) that formerly lived in foster care ...
Bogenschneider, Karen, and Thomas J. Corbett. 2010. Evidence-Based Policymaking: Insights from Policy-Minded Researchers and Research-Minded Policymakers. New York: Routledge. Bohman, James, and William Rehg (eds.). 1997.
Program Evaluation Models and Related Theories
These interviews are in stark contrast with the other interviews and reveal skepticism about the program's contributions to positive change or other potential benefits. Kwame decides to discuss this issue with Jonah at the next ...