Exploring the lessons that can be drawn from the United States's experience in providing affordable, low-cost housing, this book reviews recent developments in the US regarding such provision. Topics covered include: the changing role of the federal government; greater responsibility of state and local government; and innovative financial mechanisms. The book comprises case studies of success stories. A conclusion weaves together the strands developed in the individual case studies, examines criteria that define success, identifies common factors, and considers opportunities for developing more effective policies and programmes.
Through examining the social, political, and economic forces that underlie housing displacement, Vale develops the novel concept of governance constellations.
29. Kessner, Fiorello H. LaGuardia and the Making of Modern New York, 292. 30. On Abrams generally see A. Scott Henderson, Housing and the Democratic Ideal: The Life and Thought of Charles Abrams (New York: Columbia University Press, ...
In Saving America’s Cities, the prizewinning historian Lizabeth Cohen follows the career of Edward J. Logue, whose shifting approach to the urban crisis tracked the changing balance between government-funded public programs and private ...
Basic Laws on Housing and Community Development