The first volume to address both self-help and support groups, and to provide a clear distinction between the two, Self-Help and Support Groups dispels misunderstandings and inaccurate assumptions about how they function, whom they attract and how they help participants achieve goals. Linda Farris Kurtz informs practitioners and students in the human services about the concepts, theories and research relevant to self-help and support groups. She provides practical advice and direction for working with these groups while analyzing self-help//support organizations on three different levels in terms of: the groups themselves; the group members; and the practitioners' interactions with the groups. In addition, this compr
Few peer support/self-help group leaders have more than minimal training in how to lead a group successfully. This is unfortunate, as leading a self-help group is often challenging.
This work is based upon a research study whose purpose was to collect new information about the special benefits and drawbacks of formal organizations' efforts at social network building for older women.
Social science research on self-help/mutual aid groups and organizations from 1960 on is reviewed.
Effective Support Groups: How to Plan, Design, Facilitate, and Enjoy Them
The Self-help Group Sourcebook: Your Guide to Community and Online Support Groups
Volume numbers determined from Scope of the guidelines, p. 12-13.
Understanding Self-Help / Mutual-Aid Groups is the first book to describe three stages of individual and group evolution that is part of this organization's very structure; it also reconceptualizes participants' interactions with ...
This book focuses on community self-help and support groups specifically in the context of recovery movements in addiction and mental health care.
Human service professionals and social work educators, practitioners, and students will find these topics covered in Support Groups: evaluation of support groups a support group model guidelines for support group practice innovative use of ...
The volume is organized around 36 frequently encountered clinical problems and life challenges, with entirely new chapters covering posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, youth violence, borderline personality ...