Annotation In All Flesh Is Grass: The Pleasures and Promises of Pasture Farming, Gene Logsdon explains that well-managed pastures are nutritious and palatable - virtual salads for livestock. Leafy pastures also hold the soil, increase biodiversity, and create lovely landscapes. Grass farming may be the solution for a stressed agricultural system based on an industrial model and propped up by federal subsidies. The pasture farming that Gene Logsdon practices can also produce grains, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, and salad greens for human consumption. The book explains historically effective practices and new techniques that have blossomed in recent years for the care and sustenance of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and poultry on pasture. Logsdon's warm profiles of successful grass farmers offer inspiration and ideas. His narrative is enriched by his experience as a "contrary farmer" on his own artisan-scale farm. The culmination of a lifetime's experience, this book is vital for owners of small acreages, home food producers, horse enthusiasts, and sustainable commercial farmers.
J. Allan Smith, Virgil M. Hays. Table 2. Yield and nutrient uptake by soft ... The fire treatments may have increased the availability of soil nutrients ( Vlamis and Gowans 1961 , Dunn et al . 1979 ) . These nutrients were then held in ...
Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Mixedgrass Natural Subregion of Alberta: Second Approximation
Agricultural systems that meet food and fiber requirements, meet economic goals and maintain agro-ecosystem resilience are valuable in marginally productive semi-arid and cold agroecosystems of the central High Plains of the USA.
Proceedings XIV International Grassland Congress : 584586 . Clark , H .; Alcock , M.B .; Harvey , A. 1987 : Tissue turnover , diet selection and animal production in three varieties of perennial ryegrass continuously stocked by sheep .
Range Plant Communities and Range Health Assessment Guidelines for the Northern Fescue Natural Subregion of Alberta: First Approximation
Des études faites à l'intérieur ont montré que le TCC permet une mesure précise de la quantité d'herbe ingérée par ... la fumure a été de 400 kg N / ha / an et les plantes ont été coupées tous les 90 jours pendant les saisons sèches et ...
Equine Laminitis: Managing Pasture to Reduce the Risk
... Suelos y Fertilización de Cultivos , Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo , 18-22 November 1986 , Medellín , Colombia . Salinas , J. G. 1986. Fertilización para la producción de semilla de pastos tropicales . CIAT . 52 p ...
A must-read for anyone interested in sustainable, bio-correct agriculture, this information-packed volume is a comprehensive look at an essential family of plants.
... Working Group on Forages in Bulgaria (1995), a subgroup was formed to ... report defines historical duplicates (originated from the same original collected or ... Brassica Working Group, which acknowledged the cost-effectiveness of the ...