Quod non est in actis, non est in mundo. (What is not on file is not in the world.) Once files are reduced to the status of stylized icons on computer screens, the reign of paper files appears to be over. With the epoch of files coming to an end, we are free to examine its fundamental influence on Western institutions. From a media-theoretical point of view, subject, state, and law reveal themselves to be effects of specific record-keeping and filing practices. Files are not simply administrative tools; they mediate and process legal systems. The genealogy of the law described in Vismann's Files ranges from the work of the Roman magistrates to the concern over one's own file, as expressed in the context of the files kept by the East German State Security. The book concludes with a look at the computer architecture in which all the stacks, files, and registers that had already created order in medieval and early modern administrations make their reappearance.
作为”卡耐基全集”其中的一本,《美好的人生》是美国”成人教育之父”戴尔·卡耐基的代表作之一,它教人们怎样用智慧经营人生。卡耐基以简单明了的道理结合生动真实的具体 ...
行走世间,唯有淡定不破:遇事不慌、遇人不躁,拥有淡定、优雅的心,你,就可以重生!——美国心灵教父戴尔 ...
本书共两篇,上篇寻找心累的源头,结合案例,剖析人们烦恼、失落、纠结的原因;下篇讲述消除心累的方法,告诉人们当面对困顿、伤痕、缺陷等种种困境时,该如何调整自己的心 ...
All that is essential to it is that B should disregard the fact that he plays the particular role in the situation which he ... For such theories see W. C. Kneale, Philosophy, xxv (1950), 162 ; R. Firth and R. B. Brandt, Philosophy and ...
[8]狭斯丕尔:即威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564—— 1616),欧洲文艺复兴时期英国最重要的作家,世界戏剧史上四大悲剧家之一、世界最著名戏剧大师。创作了大量脍炙人口的经典戏剧,如《哈姆雷特》、《麦克白》、《李尔王》等,在欧洲文学史上占有特殊的 ...
本书为上海社会科学院张广勇教授对罗素最富有思想性和可读性的作品的翻译、选编、解说。其内容涉及罗素关于人生、成长、道德、修养、游历、家庭、婚姻、教育、文化、哲学、 ...
这是一本写给都市疲倦上班族的心灵指南。作者经过六年的沉淀和探索,询问了自己数十位好友,其中包括清洁高手、心理咨询师、律师和职场达人,将他们的人生经验结合自身的生 ...
经理周丽的公司有一个司机,经常胃痛。周丽知道之后,就嘱咐他多注意饮食。每次公司让他出车时,周丽都要他带上一包饼干,怕他半路上因饥饿而犯胃病。周丽在公司总是对人笑脸相迎,偶尔看到职员手头紧、吃得差,就要“骂”他们几句,还会自掏腰包让他们出去吃点好 ...
夏青著. 08 友人必性情志趣相投所谓知己,指的是朋友中真正了解、理解,能懂得自己所想所思的人,这种关系比一般朋友更密切,更珍贵!丰子恺先生性格谦和,一生朋友很多,更不乏这样的知己,下面就说几个最具代表性的。丰子恺与李叔同、夏丏尊民国二十六年, ...
心理学家迈克尔J.萨金特(Michael J.Sargent)发现,高强度的“认知需求”(享受心智挑战,如在智力测试中采用的那些)与对惩罚性司法的 ... 经济学家布莱恩·凯普兰(Brian Caplan)和斯蒂芬·米勒(Stephen C.Miller)通过精选的综合社会调查数据发现,智力与对移民、 ...