"Originally published in French under the title La Memoire desunie."
This book will take the form of a voyage through Italy (and into Italy's past), looking at stories of divided memory over various periods in the twentieth century. These stories will be interwoven with analysis and discussion.
Shared History, Divided Memory: Jews and Others in Soviet-occupied Poland, 1939-1941
Athens, 403 BCE. The end of the bloody oligarchic dictatorship of the Thirty. The democrats return to the city victorious. Renouncing vengeance, in an act of amnesia, citizens call for...
This book will take the form of a voyage through Italy (and into Italy's past), looking at stories of divided memory over various periods in the twentieth century. These stories will be interwoven with analysis and discussion.
This volume provides a range of international perspectives.
This pioneering work is essential and enlightening reading for all historians, many sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists and university students.
... a game designed to illustrate the winning of a war cannot, finally, allow that war to be won. The first feature of ... into speculative fiction. See Brett Todd, “Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday Review,” GameSpot, April 11, 2006, http://www ...
This book will be essential reading for students and scholars of Asian history, Asian education and international relations in East Asia.
This volume provides a range of international perspectives.
Samuel Graber argues that the nation was twice divided: first, by the sectionalism that resulted from disagreements concerning slavery; and second, by Unionists’ increasing sense of alienation from British definitions of nationalism.