Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages analyzes a $15 million community change initiative designed to bridge the digital divide in East Palo Alto, East Baltimore, and San Diego. Involving a partnership between Hewlett-Packard, Stanford University, and three ethnically diverse communities, this initiative enabled its constituencies to build their own technology-oriented businesses, improve their education systems, and improve their economic health. While examining this large-scale, multi-site case, Fetterman highlights the potential for empowerment evaluation to build local capacity and sustain improvements within communities. He provides deep insights into key steps in empowerment evaluation by exploring the way that each of these phases took place in the digital villages. Additionally, the text provides evaluators with real-world stories and practical advice from the front lines. The Digital Village case also demonstrates the social value of combining corporate philanthropy, academic prowess, and community empowerment—highlighting the role of evaluation in this process.
This Second Edition celebrates 21 years of the practice of empowerment evaluation, a term first coined by David Fetterman during his presidential address for the American Evaluation Association.
This book will guide evaluators exploration of their roles
Implementation realities and evaluation design . Evaluation Studies Review Annual , 11 , 205-223 . Parton , M. Q. ( 1979 ) . Evaluation of program implementation . Evaluation Studies Stake , R. E. ( 1975 ) . Evaluating the.
This book presents the most current formulation of the 10 principles of EE and provides professionals and students with the tools to put these principles into practice.
... thick descriptions, 134–135 usefulness, 74–75 verbatim quotations, 135–136 Written reports, 12, 14–15 Yaks, 71 Yanomamo culture, 38 Yeshiva, 35, 35f Ye, Z., 70 Yin, R. K., 123 Zeitlyn, D., 93 Zembrzycki, S., 65 Zhang, M., 92 Zilber,
... book about the initiative: Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: HewlettPackard's $15 Million Race Toward Social Justice. figure 7.3 Talk show radio host Vic McCarty (radio station1270 121 Hewlett-Packard's $15 Million Digital ...
... Digital Village used empowerment evaluation to help create the largest unlicensed wireless system in the country at the time. Partici- pants used empowerment evaluation dashboards to start a high- resolution printing press business. In ...
Stakeholder Involvement Approaches David M. Fetterman, Liliana Rodríguez-Campos, Ann P. Zukoski, and Contributors. Together collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation represent a tremendous force for social well-being and ...
They also build capacity and respond to pressing evaluation needs in the global community. The chapters in this book are designed to help further distinguish one approach from another.
The progress that ethnographies have been making in educational evaluation and how ethnography has adapted to the educational sphere is analysed in this book.