Evaluation examines policies and programs across every arena of human endeavor, from efforts to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS to programs that drive national science policy. Relying on a vast array of methods, from qualitative interviewing to econometrics, it is a "transdiscipline," as opposed to a formal area of academic study. Accounting for these challenges, Evaluation Foundations Revisited offers an introduction for those seeking to better understand evaluation as a professional field. While the acquisition of methods and methodologies to meet the needs of certain projects is important, the foundation of evaluative practice rests on understanding complex issues to balance. Evaluation Foundations Revisited is an invitation to examine the intellectual, practical, and philosophical nexus that lies at the heart of evaluation. Thomas A. Schwandt shows how to critically engage with the assumptions that underlie how evaluators define and position their work, as well as how they argue for the usefulness of evaluation in society. He looks at issues such as the role of theory, how notions of value and valuing are understood, how evidence is used, how evaluation is related to politics, and what comprises scientific integrity. By coming to better understand the foundations of evaluation, readers will develop what Schwandt terms "a life of the mind of practice," which enables evaluators to draw on a more holistic view to develop reasoned arguments and well fitted techniques.
In R. A. Levine , M. A. Solomon , G. M. Hellstern , & H. Wollman ( Eds . ) , Evaluation research and practice : Comparative and international perspectives ( pp . 92-106 ) . Beverly Hills , CA : Sage . Wholey , J. S. ( 1982 ) .
In L. Bickman (Ed.), Validity and social experimentation: Donald Campbell's legacy (pp. 3–43). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Cook, T. D. (2004). Causalgeneralization:How Campbelland Cronbachinfluencedthe theoretical thinking on this topic in ...
This is the 142nd issue in the New Directions for Evaluation series from Jossey-Bass. It is an official publication of the American Evaluation Association.
An updated guide to the core concepts of program evaluation This updated edition of Program Evaluation in Practice covers the core concepts of program evaluation and uses case studies to touch on real-world issues that arise when conducting ...
Evaluation Practice Reconsidered encourages a new way of thinking about the activity of judging the merit, worth, or significance of some human action, such as a policy, program, or project....
56 CHAPTER 2–EVALUATION THEORY Table 2.2 Miller's Standards for Research on Evaluation Criterion Explanation ... Theory development, which is critically important to advancing program evaluation practice, is a creative, complex, ...
89) values Branch Theorists Michael Scriven Elliot Eisner Robert Stake Ian Shaw Malcolm Parlett David Hamilton Egon Guba Yvonna Lincoln Values Branch theorists in the United Kingdom include Ian Shaw (1999) and Malcolm Parlett and David ...
The book offers appropriate approaches to collecting data and introduces readers to survey design and sampling. Daponte explores what it means to say that a program "causes" change to occur.
Evaluation roots: A wider perspective of theorists' views and influences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ... Participatory evaluation up close: An integration of research-based knowledge. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
The impetus for this volume lives in a rich and vibrant past.