In this provocative book, the distinguished author writes to break the deadlock in the struggle between the instinctivism of Konrad Lorenz and behavior psychologist B.F. Skinner.
The Art of Listening is a transcription of a seminar Fromm gave in 1974 to American students in Switzerland. It provides insight into Fromm’s therapy techniques as well as his thoughts and mindset while working.
Yet though this region of knowledge may be frightening, along with the subtlety of our own emotions and the ... Susan Griffin with Karin Lofthus Carrington • • • healing through the dark emotions in an age of global threat Miriam ...
This is Volume VIII of thirty-eight of collection of works on General Psychology.
With Behind Closed Doors, New York Times bestselling author B. A. Paris took the psychological thriller to shocking new heights.
Fromm gennemgår forskellen mellem begreberne at have og at være og mener, at hvis alle tilslutter sig en "værende" livsform, vil et nyt og sundere samfund opstå
Dines, Pornland, xviii. Dines, Pornland, 152. Jensen, Getting Off, 59; Dines, Pornland, xxi. Quoted in Dines, Pornland, 71. Dines, Pornland, xxv–xxvi. Jensen, Getting Off, 121, 125–126. Quoted in Dines, Pornland, 69.
It is also one of the most misunderstood. This founding text of the world’s three largest religions is also, Erich Fromm argues, an impressive radical humanist text.
The book brilliantly summarizes Fromm’s ideas on how culture and society shape our behavior. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Erich Fromm including rare images and never-before-seen documents from the author’s estate.
This book is a compelling appeal to the humanization of an evermore technological society. Social theorist Erich Fromm gives a classic description of the madness of modern culture, so applicable to the 21st century.
Written by a team of internationally renowned experts, this is an essential interrogation of post-war critical thought as it relates to violence.