The diaries and letters of soldiers under General Horatio Gates offer a view of the pivotal victory against the British in the Saratoga campaign.
Authors Allan Carter and Mike Kane take a look back at these and other important but neglected stories and present statistics from the pre-NYRA years and a rundown of the greatest fields assembled at America's oldest track.
In the autumn of 1777, near Saratoga, New York, an inexperienced and improvised American army led by General Horatio Gates faced off against the highly trained British and German forces...
When the Borg destroyed the U.S.S. Saratoga at Wolf 359, killing Captain Sisko's beloved wife, one chapter in his life came to a tragic end.
Elle s'appelle Hannah Armstrong. Pourtant, sur l'île de Whidbey, où elle a trouvé refuge, elle se fait connaître sous le nom de Becca King. Car depuis toujours, Hannah a un...
Saratoga Trunk unfolds the story of Clio Dulaine, an ambitious Creole beauty who more than meets her match in Clint Maroon, a handsome Texan with a head for business—and an eye for beautiful young women.
Brilliant afternoons awash in sunshine . . . health, history, and horses . . . this is the experience Saratoga Springs spreads out for visitors, year after golden year.
It is also a story of the land and the people. Today, the National Park Service and other partners promulgate the story and the lessons learned. The story is dramatic; the impacts were pivotal and profound.
Everyman detective Charlie Bradshaw returns for his second mystery.
Morally flexible sidekick Victor Plotz takes centre stage in the eighth mystery for everyman detective Charlie Bradshaw in Saratoga Springs.
“Up pastLake George near Crane Mountain. I'll showyouon the map.” Crane Mountain wasfifty miles northwest ofSaratoga and twenty miles west of Lake George. Charlie had once climbed itasa kid with some hardy Boy Scouts.