A hungry monster seeks a different type of bedtime snack.
But even the most terrible, horrible monster has to be afraid of something, as Arnold eventually finds out in this empowering tale of harnessing the imagination and conquering nighttime fears.
It's the Day of the Dead! It's time to celebrate! In this bilingual book, a young girl is busy helping her family prepare to honor those who have died--especially her grandfather.
A young boy conquers his fear of bedtime monsters after making a surprising discovery.
A collection of humorous poems introduces 15 unusual monsters.
Rhyming text describes a mother guiding her young monster through bedtime preparations, such as howling at the moon, snacking on worm juice and beetle bread, and choosing a bedtime story.
They snuggle, but not with a blankie or a teddy bear. Monsters Go Night-Night takes readers through the bedtime rituals of seven friendly monsters while making each step of the routine a guessing game.
Are your kids too afraid of monsters to fall asleep at night? This whimsical book and its magical no-more-monsters patch could solve ALL of their problems!
Alice Cussler is pleased to present her new book for children - "Bedtime Stories About Funny Monsters" that is part of the series "Funny Monster Bedtime Stories Collection for Children Ages 4-8" All monsters are different, but that just ...
They know a lot about putting kids to bed, but nothing about putting monsters to bed. It’s not their fault; they’re just not good at it. Read this book instead.
Children will love this monsterously fun story, featuring die-cuts on every spread.