Shows young readers how a citizen scientist learns about butterflies, birds, frogs, and ladybugs.
They are our neighbors, our in-laws, and people in the office down the hall. Their story, along with the story of the social good that can result from citizen science, has largely been untold, until now.
This open access book discusses how the involvement of citizens into scientific endeavors is expected to contribute to solve the big challenges of our time, such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity, growing inequalities within ...
This book identifies and explains the role of citizen science within innovation in science and society, and as a vibrant and productive science-policy interface.
Catherine thanks Christopher Price for his patience and support and Dean and Linda Hoffman for encouraging her to write. Caren offers thanks for the support of Greg Sloan and the mini-Coopers, Abby and Zoe.
A San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year: “Intelligent and impassioned, Citizen Scientist is essential reading for anyone interested in the natural world.” A Nautilus Award Winner in Ecology and Environment Award-winning writer ...
A San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of 2016: “Intelligent and impassioned, Citizen Scientist is essential reading for anyone interested in the natural world.” Award-winning writer Mary Ellen Hannibal has long reported on scientists’ ...
In fact, the visualization previously discussed appeared in both the print and online versions of the New York Times in virtually the same format (Cox, Ericson, and Tse A11; Cox, Ericson, and Tse, “The Evacuation Zones”).
Attitudes and related psychosocial constructs: Theories, assessment, and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Aiken, L.R., and D.R. Aiken. 1969. Recent research on attitudes concerning science. Science Education 53:295–305.
Chapter 3 SciStarter 2.0: A Digital Platform to Foster and Study Sustained Engagement in Citizen Science. ... a male-dominated activity in the digital age which would have implications for upscaling this citizen Science initiative.
... to the marshes of northern Barataria Bay, Louisiana, with Dr. Alex Kolker from Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. ... Depending on the lift of the balloon or kite, different rigs (picavet, soda bottle) could be used, the soda ...