Fundamentals of Database Systems

Fundamentals of Database Systems
Fundamentals of Database Systems
Computers / Database Administration & Management
Ramez Elmasri, Sham Navathe


Fundamentals of Database Systems combines clear explanations of theory and design, broad coverage of models and real systems, and excellent examples with up-to-date introductions to modern database technologies. This edition is completely revised and updated, and reflects the latest trends in technological and application development. Professors Elmasri and Navathe focus on the relational model and include coverage of recent object-oriented developments. They also address advanced modeling and system enhancements in the areas of active databases, temporal and spatial databases, and multimedia information systems. This edition also surveys the latest application areas of data warehousing, data mining, web databases, digital libraries, GIS, and genome databases. New to the Third Edition *Reorganized material on data modeling to clearly separate entity relationship modeling, extended entity relationship modeling, and object-oriented modeling *Expanded coverage of the object-oriented and object/relational approach to data management, including ODMG and SQL3 * Uses examples from real database systems including OracleTM and Microsoft AccessAE * Includes discussion of decision support app

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