John Suchocki's Conceptual Chemistry , Second Edition makes chemistry come alive for the non-science student through an engaging writing style, fun and easy-to-perform experiments, and a multimedia package that is as uniquely integrated as it is extensive. Building on the success of the First Edition, this revised book provides a fresh, insightful, and welcoming look into the concepts of chemistry. Suchocki uses his considerable experience to emphasize a conceptual understanding of our everyday world from the perspective of atoms and molecules. Real-world examples and student activities are woven throughout the text, and calculations are incorporated in select instances where they assist in conceptual understanding. Twelve core chapters cover basic chemical concepts including atomic models, chemical bonding, and chemical reactions. These are followed by seven chapters organized around applied chemistry topics such as nutrition, drugs, agriculture, water resources, the atmosphere, modern materials, and energy sources. Extensive end-of-chapter study materials encourage critical thinking and increase student understanding. The compelling supplemental multimedia package features an unprecedented level of integration with the text, including The Chemistry Place Website and Conceptual Chemistry Alive!a 12 CD-ROM set in which the author is available to each student as a personal and portable guest lecturer. The set includes video presentations, animations, a bank of more than 600 new questions, and more.
Check with the seller prior to purchase. -- A long-established leader in liberal arts chemistry, John Suchocki's Conceptual Chemistry continues to take a student-centered approach in the new Fifth Edition.
Conceptual Chemistry provides a fresh, insightful, and welcoming look into the concepts of chemistry at a level suitable for readers who tend to shy away from science courses. Emphasis is...
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