Essentials of Maternal-newborn Nursing
Essentials of Maternal Newborn Nursing
Essentials of Maternal-newborn Nursing
Essentials of Maternal Newborn Nursing/Clinical Lab Manual
Test Bank for Essentials of Maternal-newborn Nursing
Ricci Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing + Prepu
Simpson, K., &James, D. (2005). Efficacy of intrauterine resuscitation techniques in improving fetal oxygen status during labor. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 105(6), 1362–1368. Tucker, S., Miller, S., & Miller, ...
Written by specialists in maternity nursing, Sharon Smith Murray and Emily Slone McKinney, this text reflects the latest QSEN competencies, and the accompanying Evolve website includes review questions to prepare you for the NCLEX® exam!
Instructor's Manual for Essentials of Maternal-newborn Nursing
Highlights potentially life-threatening issues and the appropriate interventions with "Alerts" throughout the text. Provides a wealth of valuable tools and resources, including... "Why is this Important," rationales for important topics.