The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens.
Biology: Concepts & Connections, 6/e continues to be the most accurate, current, and pedagogically effective book on the market. This extensive revision builds upon the book's best-selling success with exciting new and updated features.
... Cambridge, England / 227 W. B. Saunders Company / 228 drawing adapted from A. C. Guyton, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 6th edition, W. B. Saunders Company / 236 Dr. Thomas C. Hayes / 240 Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, ...
A strength of Concepts of Biology is that instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom.
The previous three editions of BIOLOGY, written by Dr. Rob Brooker, Dr. Eric Widmaier, Dr. Linda Graham, and Dr. Peter Stiling, have reached thousands of students and provided them with an outstanding view of the biological world.
This text leads readers on a memorable journey through the world of biology, using relevant examples, clearly-developed illustrations, and helpful insights that resonate with today's students.
... 120 Austad, S. N., 120 Ayala, F. J., 57 Bacon, F., vii, 80, 86 Baillie, W. H. T., 33 Balin, A. K., 154 Baltimore, D., ... S., 36 Brittnacher, J. G., 25 Brown, M. A., 40 Brown, W. T., 37, 40–41 Browne, R. A., 46 Brown-Séquard, C. E., ...
Learn about the most important discoveries and theories of this science in The Biology Book. Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format.
In Culturai Approaches to Parenting, pp. 155–172, M. H. Bornstein, ed. Hillsdale, N.J.; Lawrence Erlbaum. Eldridge, N. (1995). Dominion. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Elias, M. F., N. A. Nicholson, C. Bora, and J. Johnston (1986).
Principles of Cell Biology, Third Edition is an educational, eye-opening text with an emphasis on how evolution shapes organisms on the cellular level. Students will learn the material through 14...